So Many Corrupt Unethical Adoption Contenders this Year!
For the seventh year in a row, Pound Pup Legacy, has asked AdoptionLand to decide who will become the recipient of the annual Demons of Adoption Award.
As the truth in adoption reaches new heights and the unscrupulous tactics of the adoption industry get bolder and more horrific, an unprecedented number of nominations were made in 2013!
Adoption Truths Demand; Adoption Angels? No Demons!
The Demons of Adoption Awards were introduced in 2007, to raise a voice against adoption propaganda and the self congratulatory practices of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s annual Angel in Adoption Award TM.
True Angels in Adoption Can come from AdoptionLand!
The Angel in Adoption AwardsTM have become an adoption industry love-fest that is unprecedented, even in this day and age, where a distinction between Congress and special interests is hard to make.
However, I am PROUD to say that this year TWO members of our own are on their way to Washington right now to be honored!
Adoptee activist Susan Perry who writes at Family Ties. Susan been working with the New Jersey Coalition for Adoption Reform and Education (NJCARE) for the past ten years to update adoption law in New Jersey and allow adult adoptees access to their own birth certificates.
Adoptee Activist Peter Franklin who founded A.W.O.L. Adoptee With Out Liberty. Peter is a US Army reservist who started AWOL, to help fellow soldiers connect to family and fight secret adoption. Anyone trusted to carry a weapon down range surely should be trusted with their own birth certificate.
We need to remember that we CAN nominate our own Angels in Adoption nominees and we SHOULD!! Because otherwise they do say that stupid corrupt adoption agencies and p multiple adoptoraptors get the awards and recognition which is really bogus!
Back to the Demons in Adoption
While members of congress are busy doting on representatives of the adoption industry, children are being abused in their adoptive family, children are being trafficked to meet the demands of the adoption system, father’s rights are being violated, women are being coerced to give up their babies and adoptions are ending in disruption and re-homing because of improper screening and preparation of adopters.
To raise awareness about the dark side of adoption and the negligent and corrupt practices in AdoptionLand, please vote for the Demons of Adoption Award.
The Nominees for the 2013 Demons in Adoption include:
- Raymond W Godwin and Nightlight Christian Adoption: for their role in the unethical adoption seizure of Veronica Brown;
- Supreme Court of the United States: for their decision in Adoptive Couple v. Baby girl;
- Lifeline Children’s Services: for assisting evangelical adopters to complete international adoptions when other somewhat sane agencies object;
- Frances Fitzgerald (Irish Minister for Children and Youth Affairs): for attempts to promote inter-country adoption outside the Hague Convention;
- Adoption Advocates International (AAI): for their involvement in the adoption of Hana Grace-Rose Williams;
- Gladney Center for Adoption: for the placement with the Shatto family that led to the death of Russian born adoptee Max Shatto (Maxim Kuzmin);
- Both Ends Burning Campaign: for producing the documentary Stuck and the promotional bus tour associated with this movie;
- Christian Homes And Special Kids (CHASK): for their role in assisting parents to “re-home” their unwanted adopted children;
- Lutheran Social Services of Illinois: for employing social worker Elizabeth Thomas-Colwell who was formerly a licensed social worker (LCSW) in the state of Illinois. There is reason to believe that she was involved in poor practices and potentially illegal adoptions;
- Children in Families First (CHIFF): for its slick marketing campaign supporting and driving legislation to turn back the clock on inter-country adoptions by providing authority to USCIS and the Department of Homeland Security to bypass the Hague Convention Regulations, current US Immigration laws, and International Standards on Child Welfare;
- Mardie Caldwell: for maintaining baby farms, which are categorized by race;
- Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute: for giving their seal of approval to persons and organizations that promote the interests of the adoption industry and pushing agency friendly legislation in Congress.
I personally am tempted to go for either Children in Families First (CHIFF): or Godwin/ Nightline and SCOTUS for unethical adoption seizure of Veronica Brown, but I have not decided yet! However, don’t let that influence your decision. Let the votes fall where they may!
Go to Pound Pup Legacy and cast your vote for the 2013 Demons in Adoption Awards!
Why did you leave the witch Helen Weinstein off the list?
Not my list! And she must not have been nominated!Hence. make note for next year!
I’m going with Nightlight 🙂