June 2006

Right on Saturday Night!

Somehow I ended up with a week off from work. I didn’t really plan it that way, but it happened. It was a nice week though with Garin graduating Middle School on Tuesday and having to go out to a nice dinner with not only the kids, and Rye and my Ex-husband…aha is that what polygamy is like?? Then a work baby shower on Wednesday. Friday they weirder out the…

I was feeling spunky!

When you send out research on birthmother reactions to adoption agencies. Hi Jan, I was researching Planned Parenthood and their affiliations to adoption agencies and came across Adoption Affiliates Website. I don’t want to come across as really nasty at all, but this following quote is just so wrong. It is really a lie. How will I feel about the adoption after it’s over? Most birth parents feel sadness, at…

I think it is time.

And hello you. Yes, summer is upon us, and for me at least, that means lots of money, lots of free time, and an ever-present nagging sensation to get out of the house. So an idea pop’s into mine head. I want to come visit. It’s been a long enough wait for me, so I’m sure it’s been a long enough wait for you. So… yeah. When’s a good time?…

How Can You Love Someone You Don’t Know?

How Can an Adoptee Love their Birth Family? You hear this allot in regard to adoption, usually when an adoptee is faced with reunion. How can they feel this way? Their family of origin is made of strangers. They don’t know them. It is not a reunion for them..they have no memory, they have no previous contact, all it is is shared genes and one act of their life: birth….

Woodstock Homecoming

When I left my childhood home of Long Island, I was neck deep in being a “Deadhead/Hippy/RainbowFamily” kind of girl. Yeah, I still had my goth chick roots, so always partial to blacks, but I long lost count of Dead shows I had been to, camping in the middle of nowhere with 2000 other freaks with just a hole to dig for the potty was heaven, and Guatamala meant fine…


You say “Gotcha” and my mind races back to those days;with no regard to what it might be like, was like, is like. There is no room in the word “gotcha” for me. And while I can understand the feelings of joy my son’s parents had; heck, I comforted myself with the fantasy of what it was like for them..to balance it out, to give the pain some meaning, some purpose besides myself; I like to think that they did think of me..wondered too..if I was sad and feeling alone, empty. Like I thought of them..full of joy..loving my child.

Derailed by Disgusted

Disgusted said… I have read your blog with a mix of anger and interest. I find it boggling that you would be at peace with your decision to place your child for better than fourteen years until someone online changed your mind. Well then you have not read too well. It was not SOMEONE online, but a completely different viewpoint and new understanding and facts about adoption that I had…

No More Sarahs

To me there is a line. It doesn’t matter to me where you are when you are above (or below even) the line. You can be the most militant abolish adoption and hate it in all forms. You can be someone just struggling though. You can think that it worked out good for you personally. You can want reform, call yourself a first mom, an birthmom if you want. You can be in CUB, be in OriginsUSA, joined the social workers guild based on your experience, speak at conferences. I can’t judge that, that is YOUR truth. WE all fit somewhere..and does it matter exactly where you are on your journey?