January 2009

Preparing for Reunion Sources: Ideas anyone?

So, I was contacted by a blog to write my relinquish /search / find/ reunite story for them. The hug challenge was that I had to do the whole thing in one post length and I do not do “brief” very well, as we all know. But, I nailed it down… it’s like the readers digest condensed version. And it’s up, it’s cool. It’s got a link back to here….

Open Records in Adoption Poll: 100% Favor Change in Laws

I have been eyeing that bit of real estate on my sidebar. The one where I have that poll. My side bar is too long. It’ just that my blogrools are huge. I guess I shoul dgo through them, but that always means that I must add more. Which is good, but it makes for a very long sidebar. I guess it balances out my long posts. Anyway, I have…

How to Become a Birthmother: Chapter 2ish

I recommend reading “How to become a Birthmother Chapter 1” first **** There was a second lunch. It rode on the innocent coat tails of the first. You know, “That was nice. Let’s do it again” I am a sucker for great food. Growing up, my Uncle Mike would think nothing of spending eighty or ninety dollars at the specialty Italian deli on imported prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella that we…

How to become a Birthmother: Chapter 1

Some people have read this already, some have not. It’s the whole damn thing.. how I came to be a birthmother. How I ended up in that place where I was open to adopiton to save me from this situration I got myself in. This is the story of getting myself in it. Oddly enough, 22 years ago today….just occuring to me now….so this is me… 22 years and about…

Adoption Agency Reputations

I think this is really important. Please, spread this news: We have consisitantly been fustrated by the unscrupolusness of the adoption agencies as a whole. Between their blantnet marketing, their trolling for expectant mothers who are young and unwed, recruitment and false advertsiment, the lack of truthful impacts of adoption, the lack of regulation and oversight,and general coersive and exploitive practices; agencies often seem very unstopable. They have the power…

Birthmother Assimilation via Facebook

Once upon a time, I had a life and adoption, while affecting my life and all, was really not part of it. The kool aide was still in my system and I was sleeping in Egypt. I understand it. I functioned and did what I had to do. It’s survival for many birth mothers. Then, about 8 years ago, cable Internet was introduced to my house and the first thing…

Great Investigative Journalism on International Adoptions!

  I love it when some one else “gets’ it”. It’s even more super fantastic when a trusted and reputable investigative journalism outlet really gets it and seems to be getting into even more. It’s equally loveable when I stumble upon this thanks to Teresa’s ULB Diggs of the Day! Corruption in International Adoptions “The Lie We Love” The story of abandoned orphans in developing countries who need to be…

Just Put Out the F-ing Garbage!

I find motherhood to be very repetitious. As in; you repeat the same things over and over again: Did you brush your teeth? Say thank you. Don’t touch that. Close the door. I know you know exactly what I mean. Our ongoing “issues” with Garin were fairly repetitive as well. The same things that caused problems years ago, were still bones of contention. Nothing got solved, it just morphed. Like…

Adoption Language and SEO

This is where I get all Geeky, y’all. But not only do I want to explain, but I wish to share the knowledge. Bare with me. It’s worth it. There has been much said about the words we choose to use to explain out adoption experinces. Some words, such as Birthmother, are considered demeaning as well as exploitive and when used as “our birthmother” pripority and condesending. It has been…

Finially! The Montel Williams Adoption Scam footage.

Well, not all of it. Just the part starring…me! In case you missed it, back this time around two years ago, I was on the Montel Williams Show and it was pretty horrible. Since then, I have been trying to get the dern thing online. Long story, but even after having the geeks at the office mess with it, it still could not be converted to a playable file. Though…

Adding an Adoption Book List

I have been thinking about adding an “Books about Adoption List” for some time. I know there are probably better book widget’s to add in the sidebar, but sinc they have such a huge selection of unsugar coated adoption books, Amazon will work fine for now. In a perfect world, I would have read every single adoption book on my list and only put up the ones that I could…

My Life as a John Hughes Movie: Parenting Teens part 2

Please, for your own Sanity, begin at Part 1. I have to say that right at the stroke of 13, you could actually see the difference and difficulty that hormones bring on to both budding teens and parents alike. I hardly expected it to be that drastic and true, but it was. Maybe I was hoping that all the horror stories I had heard were wrong, but they are not….

The Trouble Raising Teenagers: part 1- a preamble

So I had eluded in my Adoption Denial post the trouble that been happening with Garin. I figure that it might be a good exercise in processing to write about the whole situation. Parenting teenagers is hard, I can tell you that. While Max has made it to the over 21 stage, not being the active everyday mom, I don’t have the same reference points with him at all. The…