My Life as a John Hughes Movie: Parenting Teens part 2

Please, for your own Sanity, begin at Part 1. I have to say that right at the stroke of 13, you could actually see the difference and difficulty that hormones bring on to both budding teens and parents alike. I hardly expected it to be that drastic and true, but it was. Maybe I was hoping that all the horror stories I had heard were wrong, but they are not….

The Trouble Raising Teenagers: part 1- a preamble

So I had eluded in my Adoption Denial post the trouble that been happening with Garin. I figure that it might be a good exercise in processing to write about the whole situation. Parenting teenagers is hard, I can tell you that. While Max has made it to the over 21 stage, not being the active everyday mom, I don’t have the same reference points with him at all. The…