Adoptee Songwriter Mary Gauthier at the Rosendale Cafe

A Haunting Musical of a Rejected Bastards Emotional Journey Sometimes I have nothing to write about for adoption and sometimes I have oodles. We are in the middle of an oodles period. In the last three days I have: Seen a screening of the soon to be released movie “Mother and Child” which I reviewed on GIMH. Had an intense and brilliant three hour interview with a NY high school…

Call for Submissions: Adoptee Video Project

Looking for Adoptees to Call for Access to their Original Birth Certificates I love Facebook and the collaborative ideas that can come up. This is one of them. Amanda Kutner from www.foundyourmittens.blogspot.com, an adoptee I know through there, contacted me about the makings of the Birthmother video that I helped create with Origins-USA when a bunch of us were at the Donaldson/Ethica Adoption Conference. She said that she would love…

All Things Adoption

All Things Adoption; Relinquishment, Search, Reunions, Books, News and Information

Lots of people know adoption stories, but they don’t know how to search for an adopted child or birth birthmother, or the rules of a good reunion, or what to watch out for when making and adoption plan. I have tried to provide as much information as possible broken down into categories so you can hopefully find the information you need, when you need it. There is a lot of information to be found here. Categories and sub-category are broken up by issues and can be found in main menu headings.

The Adoption Lists

A Great Tool for the Adoption Community

Listly is a third party site that is great for group collaboration. It’s easy to sign in, make a profile and collaborate.  I usually make a new Adoption List for subjects that seem to be wide conversations in AdoptionLand. For instance if a bunch of adoption bloggers are all talking about similar subjects, a Listly list allows us all to keep them in one place.

More Voices, More Shares, More Embeds

Listly updates in real time. So when you add something to The Adoption Lists, where ever the list is embedded, that list updates too. Even if you are not participating in a particular Adoption list, you can help by sharing the list link or, even better, embedding the list on your own blog or website.

To Embed an Adoption List: all you have to do is click the embed icon on that list and choose the code that your site needs. Most of them work just fine with Java Script HTML.

Sharing and embedding The Adoption List is a great way to help support the Adoption Community!

A Father’s Rights to Custody in Adoption

A Father’s Rights to Custody; Thwarted, Ignored, Legally Denied, and Unjustly Steamrolled

It might seem that a father should have a natural right to parent his own child, but sadly, when adoption enters the picture, the rights of the birth father are often nonexistent. 
A father’s right to the custody of his own flesh and blood is something most easily and legally forgotten when the birthmother of the child has “chosen” relinquishment for the baby.  Worse, yet, the laws are stacked up against him and the legal battles that go with his desire to parent often take years and thousands of dollars in legal fees.

 Learn how to Protect Your Rights as Father Now!

The Tragedy of Adoption Relinquishment

Adoption relinquishment is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Your Baby Needs YOU, Not Perfection

Your child will be born knowing your voice, your smell and needing YOU; his or her mother. Mother child bonding happens pre-birth and sets up a model for the rest of the child’s life. Children do not care, especially at young ages, about brand name clothing, special diapers, or fancy toys. They want their mothers.

Separating of a mother and child is painful to babies, even newborns. They might not have the ability to verbalize their pain, but  it can cause damage.  Some adoptees suffer what is called the Primal Wound. Many adopted children are colicky. Others adapt by being complete “content” which means they are in a survival mode. Adopted children are over represented in both the mental health field and the prison system. Many suffer from trust issues their entire lives. No matter what happy adoption story they are told, some will feel abandoned and rejected by you.

Chances are, your child will be denied their civil rights to access their original identity.

Adoption is Not The Answer to an Unplanned Pregnancy

Are Adoptees Different?

The Us Census Ask us to Differentiate Last week, I received a very nice message inviting me to read a blog post over on Salon on the Census and Adoption, and so, I did. Then, I saw that Jenna had written another blog post herself on the same subject which was the Census and Adoption. And I read that too. Both of the posts, while one written by an adoptive mother…

Adoptee Rights Ideas for Change

So, if you recall that handy dandy little Ideas of Change widget in my sidebar had over 700 votes to Return Adoptees Access to their Original Birth Certificates. Right now, it’s only on 70 somthing votes, but that’s a good thing! Adoptees OBC Access has Made it to the Final Round!! The idea now is the result of a merger between two similar ideas, both of which qualified for the final round…

Adoptee Mary Gauthier; Adoption Music “The Foundling”

Amazing find today via Googel Alerts! I have “adoption, birhtmother and adoptee” loaded up and get daily alerts which i *try* to go through and share links that seem worthy of interest ( usually on Twitter or Facebook). Anyway today I got this one and followed the link, quite unsure of how adoption plays into it: Mary Gauthier’s New Album;Experiences as an Adopted Child Celebrated singer-songwriter Mary Gauthier’s album promises…

Adoption Carnival: Racism

I don’t really have much right to talk about Racism and Adoption That’s just the plain honest truth. Give me discrimination. Give me injustice. Give me prejudice, but I’m pretty much at a loss when it come to writing about Racism. What do I know? I mean What DO I Know About Real Racism/ White chick, grew up in a white town, went to a pure bred white school. There…

All is Right in My Adoptionland

After living years without knowing if your child lives or dies, much less what their name is who they look like and anything else, reunion is so often seen as the great holy grail that removes all the former yucky stuff and makes it into a thing of the past. Live it long enough, however, and we learn that adoption can never really be in the past and it’s so the “gift” that keeps on giving. More new situations arise. New emotions develop. Still no road map and I doubt anyone is immune.

An Open Letter to My Womb

Warning: Serious TMI Talk of Girly Bits Ahead Dear Uterus and Ovarian Pals, I know we haven’t always had the easiest of relationships though it hasn’t been that bad really. I mean, in many ways you have been great to me. I have heard and seen so many of my sisters in womanhood suffer mightily from cramps and bloating and other womanly issues, and for the most part, you guys…

Adoptee Rights: Suing the State that Denies One Access to the OBC

I am no law professor, but I get inspired in odd places. Rye and I were watching the History Channel the other night about the history of the Ku Klux Klan, and it actually inspired me. How can the Klan Help Adoptees I’m not completely sure, but follow my logic with me for a minute, will you? The show brought up the Civil Rights Act of 1871 and I immediately…

Return Adult Adoptees the Right to their Original Birth Certificates

Granting Adoptees Access to their OBC’s Change.org has a nifty constest/ promo going on and adoptee rights has a nice place on it! The 10 ideas that receive the most votes by the end of the competition will be presented at an event in Washington, DC to relevant officials in the Obama Administration. If the Adoptee Rights is among the top 10 ideas, it will then be promoted to Change.org’s…