February 2011

Adoptee Records New York Event

I’m leaning towards going to this… The Evan B Donaldson Adoption Institute is holding an event on March 10, 2011, to “heighten public, media and policymaker awareness about the need to restore adopted adults’ right to access their original birth certificates.” I can get down with that. Plus, I like the chance to see Adoption Peeps and Bastards in person! The adoption event will feature the official world premiere of “I’m…

Adoption Commentary Craw Exposed

AKA How to Piss Off a Claud I haven’t felt the need to do this in a while. Usually, I don’t let other people’s comments get under my craw. After all, I have been online talking about adoption issues for ten years now and I had a rather thick skin to begin with. Rather than beat a person over the head with my beliefs, I would rather calmly state the…

Related by Birth: An Adoption Documentary

Last year, I was contacted to be interviewed for a documentary about birthmothers. It’s always hard to completely go back there and even with the emotional support provide, it’s not pleasant. Yet, sometimes you have to take the chance and do the hard stuff. I figure, no one will hear us if we sit in the shadows. Needless, to say, I went. Documenting the Adoption Story It was, as always,…

Oprah Winfrey Joins the Adoption Community

Dear Oprah,
Welcome to the Adoption Community! I know you didn’t plan on being one of us, but I have seen that often adoption sneaks up on people. I don’t think many of us actually plan on being part of this group. SO after you find out there was family you didn’t know you had, then there is a bigger all inclusive family that you never knew you had in the adoption community. We understand.