Vote for The 2013 Demons in Adoption Awards

For the seventh year in a row, Pound Pup Legacy, has asked AdoptionLand to decide who will become the recipient of the annual Demons of Adoption Award.The Demons of Adoption Awards were introduced in 2007, to raise a voice against adoption propaganda and the self congratulatory practices of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s annual Angel in Adoption Award TM.

Veronica Rose Brown: A Child Stolen Through an Unethical Adoption

The OK courts lifted the temporary stay and the “prize” was returned to her rightful owners. They paid more, they fought more, they lied more, they cheated more, they played a dirtier game from the beginning. I am so sad for Veronica; having to leave her family, her home, with no one in power looking out for her best interest, her right to be with her family. She is four years old; she will remember.

Adopted through “New Life Adoption Agency” in New York

1,000 files carrying information about Central New Yorkers who were adopted over the past 20 years form New Life Adoption Agency in Syracuse NY – their medical histories, their adoptive parents’ finances, and in some cases the identities of their birth parents- are free to their owners. The lawyer housing them will give them those who can present proof of idenity

The Continued Human Tragedy; Veronica Rose and her Thwarted Father

So what is a “thwarted father’? Essentially a father, usually involved in an adoption case, where the other parties purposely sought to keep him out of this child’s life in order to terminate his parental rights. If you look into the case mentioned by Judge Malphrus, the story of the case are so incredible similar in circumstance that it’s almost uncanny. It’s another adoption agency screwing a father out of his child.

When Reuters Focuses on Adoption Re-Homing Abuses

How many more children need to be sold into slavery? How many more birthmothers must kill themselves over the grief of losing their children? How many more adoptees must kill themselves? How many more adoptive families must fear for their lives? How many more adoptees must dig their own graves, or be killed or go missing os become wards of the state? How many more adoptees must die form not knowing their medical history? How many more fathers must be screwed out of their paternal rights? When are we going to be able to say more than “this is the exception”?

When does it become ENOUGH?

Fertility and Getting Pregnant versus Infertility and Adoption

I just do not support adoption as a solution to fix your infertility. Or her infertility. Or their infertility or just about anyone’s . I do not support domestic infant adoption. Period. See, Adoption will not FIX your problem. Your problem is that you are infertile and cannot have your own child. If you adopt a child, then you will still NOT have your own child. You will have someone else’s child and you will still be infertile. And for you to GET that child, you will have to be part of a highly unethical and inhumane profit driven business. And I don’t care how wonderful you are, how much you have wanted to have a kid, how perfect of parents you would be, you still don’t get a pass on ethics.

Buying a Baby: Melanie Capobianco’s Testimony About Saving Veronica Rose Brown

The Cost of this Adoption aka Baby Buying

So in April of 2009, right around the time that Christy was getting all pissy with Dusten, the Capobianco got in touch with Mr. Godwin.

There was a “birth family background report” performed by Nightlight Christian Adoptions where I am assuming they hear about the potential “adoption situation” aka Christy’s pregnancy