Not Anti Adoption

I don’t have a problem with the IDEA of adoption. I am not ‘anti-adoption’ What I have a problem with, is what adoption has BECOME. And what it has done to people.This isn’t how it should be.

2013 Adoptee Rights Demonstration Reflections

If there was a theme of this year’s ARD, I think this might be it; Coming together, working together, making things possible, for while some helped to get me on that plane, others helped to keep me sane and make it work. It is YOU who make it all worthwhile! But that’s is what it is about at the Adoptee Rights Demonstration. We come to gather to make a our much needed voices for Adoptee Rights be heard and garnish the strength for another year ahead with the company of others who understand.

Brooklyn New York Adoptee Rights Protest

Who: NY’s Unsealed Initiative: www.unsealedinitiative.org
When: Sunday September 29th, 2013 at 12:30pm
Where: NY State Assemblywoman Helene E. Weinstein’s Brooklyn, NY district office at 3520 Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11229
Why: She is THE biggest opponent to NY Bill of Adoptee Rights Legislation

The Unethical Adoption Seizure of Veronica Brown

Simple Facts About the Veronica Brown Story

I personally do not care one bit how much the wannabe parents, Matt and Melanie Capobianco, think they have a right to her, or how much they love her or how much “better” they think they are. Dusten Brown is her FATHER and she has a family that is able to love her and take care of her. Veronica Brown should not have been ever and is NOT an adoptable child.

ACCESS MASSACHUSETTS Meeting for Adoptee Rights

What: first meeting of ACCESS MASSACUSETTS, a grass roots effort dedicated to passing legislation restoring the human right for all adult adopted people born in Massachusetts, access to their original birth certificates (OBC).
Where: Cambridge Family and Children’s Services office at 60 Gore Street, Cambridge, MA 02141
When: August 15th, from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

The Non Profit Adoption Agency Myth

It seems that many people want to believe that because many adoption agencies and adoption service professionals have the words ” non-profit” in their name, that they must somehow be exempt from any form of monetary corruption. While I am still hunting down the most recent report claiming the 13 billion dollars of profits in the adoption industry, to even see if the nonprofit numbers are included in the actual 13 billion, I decided to share a quick bit about nonprofit adoption services.

Updated Research: 13 BILLION $$$ in Profits in the Adoption Industry

A new adoption industry market data analyst report published just this year!! Even better this report does NOT group the fertility industry in at all but is just Adoption & Child Welfare Services in the US. This NEW Adoption Industry research puts the REVENUE made from Adoption related services at 13 BILLION.Shall we repeat that?

Thirteen Billion Dollars Made in Revenue from the Adoption Industry.

Finding Happiness in Spite of Adoption Reunion Issues

There is that classic saying, “you can’t change another person’s actions or feelings, but you can change how it affects you.” I think that is really important to remember in an adoption reunion. No matter how much we might want another person to think and feel and usually more importantly act, we cannot make that happen. No matter what you do, what hoops you jump through, the emotional gymnastics you attempt, you cannot change which you cannot control. If life was controlled by forces of sheer will alone, this world would be a much different, though I don’t know if necessarily better, place.

Summer of Love

The setting is unmistakably Hawaii, and Shelley and I, classic 1968: blond and tan in our stylish mini-dresses, the telltale bulges of early pregnancy thus far absent from our slender frames. We were girls waiting to become women, my friends and I — eighteen years old, but girls nonetheless — on the verge of grown-up lives that we could not yet envision.