The Adoptee, a Perpetual Child

The perpetual adopted child

The perpetual adopted child

“To remain ignorant of things that happened before you were born is to remain a child”


Golly Gee wiz! That must be why it’s considered socially acceptable to permanently seal people’s original birth certificates from them and treat them like perpetual children! Gosh, no wonder people think it’s ok to call me an “adopted child” or speak FOR me – even though I am 35!

Stop Discrimination Against Adopted People!

Support Open Records and Adoptee Rights!

About the Author

Kate Dahlquist
Kate is an amazing human being who lives in North Carolina with her equally amazing husband Shawn and family. She has lost two children to the corrupt adoption industry. She is known for her kind spirit, her incredible photography and an orphaned squirrel named Fergie. And her incredible Adoption Info Graphics Collection which she has been kind enough to share here. Hail to the Kate!