How the Real World Sees Adoptees, Adoptive Parents and Birthmothers
In the adoption community there are tons of conversations about “educating” the general public about adoption. Depending on how you are adoption affected, what you think needs to happen will be very different.
The Adoption Stereotypes; Limiting and Hurtful, also Untrue
Adoptive Parents want people to accept their families built by adoption and complain about the stupid questions people ask like “Where is her real mother?” Adoptees are suppose to be happy and grateful that they were somehow saved from either “ending up in an dumpster” or “from being aborted”. Adoptees are “lucky”.The general public likes to blame the birth mother’s pain on her own irresponsible choices. She is punished for her fertility and the sexual drive that got her pregnant in the first place.
Basically, unless you are actually adoption affected, and even then, only if you have done your own research and homework, most people have no clue about adoption.