Adoption Truth

New York City Area Birthmothers: Opportunities to Speak Out!

Must be something in the air. Heading into NYC Tomorrow For a Birthmother Documentary Looking really forward to the day in the city. Bonnie and I, my live-in-the-same-town-now-were-pregnant-andrelinquished-at-the-same-time friend, are both going down tomorrow for filming. And added bonus: We are meeting up with Suz and Kish!   More Moms Who Relinquished Needed Gregg Grossman is the documentary film maker and he is looking for more moms. I do know…

Primal Wound Book Tour: Birthmother Musings

I was open to the idea of this Prima Wound book tour since I knew it had been some time since I had read my copy this adoption classic. Plus, the last time I had read it I was in the midst of a massive adoption book read in; so much of it got jumbled with tons of other facts and figures. I tend to read like that and assimilate…

How Has Adoption Really Changed?

But adoption is different these days. Surely, you must think that open adoption is better. Adoption just not the same as what you went through. “Really?” I want to say in my best snarky roll my eyes to the god’s way, “Really? You mean human nature has changed so much that mommas actually like giving away their babies?” But there IS a change in adoption. It’s just harder to see.

An Adoption Agency Gives Me Hope

Yeah, you read that right. I actually am having trouble believing it myself, but it’s true. On the eve of the final mass preparations for the Adoptee Rights Protest in Philly, I read this comment in my email box from an agency regarding my post about birth mother grief: This is a stunning, painfully true description of the birthparent experience and we thank you for your candor and courage in…

I Placed My Baby for Adoption: Now PAY Me!

Honestly, really. I think I should get paid off for relinquishing Max to adoption. The happy fuzzy feelings from relinquishment and my adoption counseling has worn off. It’s been gone for years now. Instead, I think maybe getting at least some cash for the years of pain and suffering won’t do any good in getting back what I lost, but nothing ever will. At least, I could get some new…

Learning to Ride the Waves: Birthmother Grief

Back to “normal” life, but nothing would ever be the same normal again. That was always the bit of irony about adoption. You went through this experience, this incredible perceived “sacrifice” and certainly a heartache for the ultimate plan to not have your life changed, but no one tells you how unavoidable that is. You can’t have a baby and place it for adoption with the experience changing your very…

Open letter to President Obama

My Dear President, First, I must thank you. For the first time in long 8 years, I can admit that I do again have a president. I like that I can feel proud to be an American again. We have been waiting for you. Now I know you have too many things on your plate right now and in the scheme of things, what I ask from you probably will…

Who Really Has the Right to Judge Birth Mothers??

Judgement. Choices. Lack of True Choice. Variations of this theme have been running through my head for a long time. To some the birth mother is a saintly figure. Wise. Sacrificing. Selfless. A builder of Families. A deliverer of dreams come true. Adoptive families want to thank her. Poor girl, she is just in a sad situation, but through her wisdom she can make the best of the situation and…

Adoption Agency Reputations

I think this is really important. Please, spread this news: We have consisitantly been fustrated by the unscrupolusness of the adoption agencies as a whole. Between their blantnet marketing, their trolling for expectant mothers who are young and unwed, recruitment and false advertsiment, the lack of truthful impacts of adoption, the lack of regulation and oversight,and general coersive and exploitive practices; agencies often seem very unstopable. They have the power…

Birthmother Assimilation via Facebook

Once upon a time, I had a life and adoption, while affecting my life and all, was really not part of it. The kool aide was still in my system and I was sleeping in Egypt. I understand it. I functioned and did what I had to do. It’s survival for many birth mothers. Then, about 8 years ago, cable Internet was introduced to my house and the first thing…

Great Investigative Journalism on International Adoptions!

  I love it when some one else “gets’ it”. It’s even more super fantastic when a trusted and reputable investigative journalism outlet really gets it and seems to be getting into even more. It’s equally loveable when I stumble upon this thanks to Teresa’s ULB Diggs of the Day! Corruption in International Adoptions “The Lie We Love” The story of abandoned orphans in developing countries who need to be…

Finially! The Montel Williams Adoption Scam footage.

Well, not all of it. Just the part starring…me! In case you missed it, back this time around two years ago, I was on the Montel Williams Show and it was pretty horrible. Since then, I have been trying to get the dern thing online. Long story, but even after having the geeks at the office mess with it, it still could not be converted to a playable file. Though…

Review: Inside a Cult..of Adoption

I missed the beginning, and I missed the end, but what I did see made chills run up and down my spine. What Seaparets a Cult from Adoption? Yes, this Michael Travesser guy is a freak. Yes, it’s all very scary stuff. The whole having sex with young virgins because he is the Messiah is nasty stuff. But what really peeked my interest was the control aspect of how this…

What Does a Child Deserve?

This is a continuation of thoughts based on a YouTube Comment, the first part: You don’t deserve to be a Mother. This is the part of the comment that is in the spotlight now: Growing up in extreme poverty is not what a child deserves I think that first we have a need to define “extreme poverty”. I immediately get a mental picture of the Save the Children” commercials: toddlers…