Adoption Truth

Derailed by Disgusted

Disgusted said… I have read your blog with a mix of anger and interest. I find it boggling that you would be at peace with your decision to place your child for better than fourteen years until someone online changed your mind. Well then you have not read too well. It was not SOMEONE online, but a completely different viewpoint and new understanding and facts about adoption that I had…

Whoa….Lawsuits Against my Adoption Agency

Thank you to whomever was doing a search on my old agency..with your Google search I found the interesting news… Jury awards adoptive parents $409,000 The couple claimed that Elizabeth Quackenbush, the late founder of Adoptions With Love, lied about the circumstances of their sons’ birth at St. Mary’s Medical Center in 1991. They were told the birth mother, while heavyset, was from a “Fortune 400” family and had an…

Coersion in Adoption Counseling

The subtle coercion in adoption counseling often does not seem real. “Coercion” is such a harsh word. Adoption is seen as a decision, a wise choice; made by selfless mothers, for the good of others, for the betterment of her child. We give up our babies for adoption. In adoption counseling, we work on making our adoption plans. Adoption agencies do not truly violently rip children out of wailing mother’s…

The Choice of the Damned

Yes, I “decided” to lose my child. Yes, I was “very sure”. Yes, technically, I had ‘other options’, but in my heart, in my head..there was no other option just this thing that I must do for us both. I believed what I was told. I wanted to believe it since at least believing it gave me some hope. Of abortion, of parenting..both were dark and cold as seen by me. My views were skewed. Our lives at stake. And I was in no position to make this life long decision. Yes, I needed to be protected from myself.

Adoption Fundraising on Ebay

So, while I don’t particulary like hearing or seeing these kinds of things on Ebay, this is NOT a call to write in and tell these folks how awful they are. For one, I don’t think that much said will really change their point of view, and second, it just makes the people who do look like the mad minority. “We” have already gotten the “credit” for the “nasty” emails…

An Email from an Adoptee

I know that sometimes, it seems we are hitting our heads against the brick wall of adoption. Here we are, so few at times, in the trenches, so to speak, with peashooters against the mighty industrial adoption gaint machine. BUT …there is a purpose. Granted the over all goal of many is a complete reform of adoption as we know it, but until that day comes, there are the small…

We’ll call this the first installment of “Fables”

I gave Mauela big fat gold stars yesterday for taking on this post. Which brings me to here and then the need to continue with not true, but true horror stories of adoptions that should not be. Because it was said so well I want to quote her devineness here: “It is unacceptable to me that this type of unseemly adoption takes place at ALL. Although this is an exaggerated…

Adoption: an American Revolution

Will you document the Mothers who were lied to and forced to lose the children they so desperately wanted, or will you only show the few happy reunions of such broken women? Will you discuss the issues and problems of current adoption practices that do not really honor the bond between mother and child and how to make things better, or will you just show the smiling faces of the “happy good birthmother” and promote more adoptions for a 13 billion dollar industry?

Origins Press Release re:Adoption Recruiter

If you think that infant adoption is a benevolent social service, then reading the highlights of a job description appearing in the Wall Street Journal’s Executive Career Site online for an “Adoption Recruiter” might change your mind. Originally posted by the Boys and Girls Aid Society of Oregon, this detailed job description reveals the aggressive marketing strategies used by adoption agencies and proves that babies are marketable products used to generate agency revenue