The Adoption Cyber Bully Map
Are you an out right asshole hiding behind the fact that you hope no one in your real life will figure out that you are an out right cyber bully? I’m gonna find you.
Are you an out right asshole hiding behind the fact that you hope no one in your real life will figure out that you are an out right cyber bully? I’m gonna find you.
Oh look! I happen to have the actual court transcripts of The Direct and Cross Examination of Christy Maldonado in Adoptive Couple vs Baby Girl dated September 13, 2011 Now before I share this bit of court document candy with you, I do want to take a moment to point out Judge Malphrus’ Bench Ruling on this aspect of the case as it SPECIFICALLY relates to the issue of Dusten Brown’s attempts to support Christy Maldonado and his unborn daughter Veronica Rose Brown AND also to the issue of what rights he “signed away.” Being that, you know, those are the most common nails in his coffin of public opinion and why he should lose his daughter again.
Simple Facts About the Veronica Brown Story
I personally do not care one bit how much the wannabe parents, Matt and Melanie Capobianco, think they have a right to her, or how much they love her or how much “better” they think they are. Dusten Brown is her FATHER and she has a family that is able to love her and take care of her. Veronica Brown should not have been ever and is NOT an adoptable child.
It seems that many people want to believe that because many adoption agencies and adoption service professionals have the words ” non-profit” in their name, that they must somehow be exempt from any form of monetary corruption. While I am still hunting down the most recent report claiming the 13 billion dollars of profits in the adoption industry, to even see if the nonprofit numbers are included in the actual 13 billion, I decided to share a quick bit about nonprofit adoption services.
A new adoption industry market data analyst report published just this year!! Even better this report does NOT group the fertility industry in at all but is just Adoption & Child Welfare Services in the US. This NEW Adoption Industry research puts the REVENUE made from Adoption related services at 13 BILLION.Shall we repeat that?
Thirteen Billion Dollars Made in Revenue from the Adoption Industry.
Now, we must remember she is a former ABORTIONIST PROFESSIONAL, so she’s must KNOW better than I about things like MY LIFE. Especially as there must be GOD on her side!
Please tell me what to do. After all, I have had many years of training being a “good birthmother” Yes, yes, perhaps I just need an adoption Kool-Aid booster shot? Give it to me, Abby! I’m just JONESING hardcore for that Adoption Kool-Aid! Yum..Pro-Life flavor!! My fav-o-rite!
I am already well trained to ignore the lovely smiling photos of hopeful couples waiting to adopt. There are many of them, so lots of glancing about for me, trying to find a safe place to rest my eyes. I scan for copy, rather than cheesy grins, and pass over the glorified bios that shout “Pick me, Pick me!”. It’s all bright and shiny. Everyone is happy with their best face forward. Why? Because America Adopts is NOT an adoption agency, it’s an “adoption meeting place”. Whaaaat…? Yup, think dating site, but for knocked up chicks thinking about adoption!
I know I do not “own” any rights to using a Rosie the Riveter type of image. I WAS sure that they knew exactly what they were doing by having an image close enough to mine that it could confuse people even a tiny bit. I really did NOT appreciate it. So I made noise and they agreed to take down the images. I’ll take that as a win and have edited the post to reflect that.
I just willingly did the “Adoption Perspectives” show on “Powerful” Christian talk radio with two adoptive mothers. Sounds like I spent a lot of time deflecting stereotypes and horrible comments, You would think I spent an hour defending my right to be considered a mother? Not even once it was basically a love fest. As in, there was this crazy mutual agreement. I didn’t censor my words once. I didn’t hold back any opinion. And there was not one disagreement at all. Not. One. How in God’s name did this happen?
But women are not informed of the very serious physical and psychological consequences of abortion adoption , and the adoption alternative is not promoted as the positive, life-affirming option contains lifelong loss, unresolved grief and sadness for both mother and child.
By 2015, adoption agencies in Korea will NO LONGER be allowed to run unwed mothers facilities, mothers MUST have one week AFTER giving birth before they relinquish and single mothers get additional support to parent.
In contrast, almost every single one of the US adoption groups supports OBC access for adult adoptees and has, for the most part, since they were begun..some in the 1970’s. They made more progress in 5 years in Korean than we have managed to do in the past 40 plus years in the USA.
Because they worked together. Can I say that again? They work together. And now, I shall rant.
I have just read so many Bible verses about Orphans that my head is ready to spin. And almost ALL of them are not just about the CHILDREN, but include the lines “the Widows and Orphans” or instead speak of “the fatherless” meaning , I would assume, single mothers. So how come devote Bible quoting folks can so easily IGNORE the word of God that clearly says CARE FOR THE WIDOW? How come only the CHILD’s soul is worth saving? How come we can’t save the mother’s soul too?
I would think that “Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Child” falls in there. Right? So if the Bible says to not desire to TAKE the widows child, and to help her, perhaps save her soul too? Especially, one would think, when the mother/widow has “chosen life” and should be rewarded somehow for not having the evil abortion? Like isn’t she half way there already?
I think that many folks in adoption land were injured by the church and have also walked away from the conventions of organized religion. After all, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Services, Salvation Army, the LDS church, etc. all had a strong hand in the relinquishment experience for many mothers of the Baby Scoop Era. And, many adoption agencies today still have strong religious affiliations. God is often used to justify adoptions and let’s face it, that makes many of us angry again all over. So we have understandable separated ourselves from it. Big mistake.
What I have begun to understand by reading The Child Catchers is that we have hurt ourselves with this stance. I’m just as guilty as any. I, living in nice liberal blue state of New York purposely mock and laugh at things like “creationism” or “Christian Rock” and are very critical of the values that morph into policy such as abstinence only policy and the whole Right to Life movement. I know I have, and I think many of us do, separate ourselves as an “us versus them”, seeing all people with Christian values as purposefully ignorant and not worth paying attention to. This attitude is wrong.
It was with great anticipation that I waited for The Child Catchers. Sadly, while we can all blog, and self publish, and get memoirs going, the “non biased” pen of the non adoption affected if often needed to bring the anecdotal facts home for the general public. It’s like they can’t believe “us”, probably because they do not want to, and dismiss it as “your experience” believing us “too close” to see the full picture. Making Kathryn’s eyes, her words, like balm on the ever oozing wound.
The Child Catchers- Rescue, Trafficking and the New Gospel of Adoption is a must read, must have on any adoption bookshelf.
So What Difference Does it Make That A Act of Love is a For-Profit Agency?
The bigger question is why this agency has been allowed to be a member of National Council For Adoption. Doesn’t NCFA have a vetting process for its members? Or does it simply enroll agencies that can afford its membership fees? Does NCFA even know it has a for-profit agency in its corral?