
Adoption Speech:”Mothers Without Their Children”

The Association for Research on Mothering York University  Karen Lynn  2001 Good afternoon. This speech is a message from the mothers of the Canadian Council of Birthmothers, mothers who have suffered the trauma of having lost a child or children to adoption and who are learning to understand what happened to us and our children. Much of what I say here is a collection of thoughts shared by the members…

Addressing the Psycho-Social Implications in Social Policy: The Case of Adoption and Early Intervention Strategies

A Research Paper submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Public Policy at Victoria University of Wellington ANN WEAVER: Victoria University 1999 ABSTRACT New Zealand Government policy and legislation has tended to follow a shor-term‘out-put’ rather than a long-term ‘outcome’ model. Furthermore, the psycho-social implications of policies and legislation have at times not been adequately addressed. This paper argues that it is essential to…

An Adoptee Asks Reunion Question

I can tell you that many moms are just so worried about saying the wrong things that we are still afraid to open up and be real… the internal censor is on big time because we do not know what to do and are SO afraid of being sent away emotionally. Maybe this isn’t the case with her since you say she really reacts intensely, but that openness and honestly is a hard place to get to. I think it hard to trust the new relationship as permanent and get to that place.

Facebook Father Son Fail

He and his biological father had a mini reunion before he went away to the Marines that didn’t go so great, but considering everything that went down before hand, wasn’t that horrible. I personally think Rye was young then and was still rightfully angry at both his father figures.. one for beating him and the other for turning his back and letting him be abused.

Numbers of Truth for Rape & Conception

A Premier in Pretty Colors for Dumb Politician About a week ago, I was gifted with a link to a study published in 2010 called Giving Birth to a “Rapist’s Child”: A Discussion and Analysis of the Limited Legal Protections Afforded to Women Who Become Mothers Through Rape by Shauna R. Prewitt. Thank you, Paula for sending me the link! Considering the recent discussions in the media regarding “forcible rape”…

The Adoption Lists: Oxygen’s I’m Having Their Baby

The Reaction of the Adoption Community The Oxygen Network’s New Show “I’m Having Their Baby” has caused quite a commotion in the adoption community to say the least. While we have seen expectant mothers considering adoption to be exploited before for entertainment value (The 2004 20/20 Barbara Walters Adoption Special “Be My Baby”) or the brunt of “funny” jokes and black humor (2007’s Juno), the issue isn’t so much the…

Video Trailers for “Adopted or Abducted?”

Dan Rather Reports: Preview Trailers Dan Rather Reports, “Adopted or Abducted?” will devote the entire hour on Tuesday, May 1st to the heartbreaking accounts of women — most of whom were teens at the time — who were forced to hand their babies over for adoption. In a sweeping and exhaustive six month investigation that spanned from Australia to the United States, producers from Dan Rather Reports conducted nearly one…

Post Baby Scoop Era Birthmother Poster Child?

  Have you noticed my new profile image? Rye treated me to a photo session with the AMAZING Tamme Stitt. I say amazing with good reason. The pics came out great. I will admit it; I look great, but it’s not ME; Tamme does something magical with the camera. Anyway, this was the one pose that I had been thinking about for over a good year now. I wanted a…

#SignsforStartups: Adoptee Rights

So this is one of those Social Media Bandwagons that I end up jumping on. You know, how I pay attention to all this stuff at my job and then apply it to Adoptionland. Or really, it happened the other way around, I learned all this stuff in Adoptionland, and it turned into the job? They all blur sometimes! Anyway, we get home from dinner tonight to find that my…

Help This Dad Find His Kingston Family

Former Hudson Valley Adoptee Born December 25th, 1976 Searching for His Birthmother While most of the world sees adoption as a good thing, which is forever finding families for unwanted children, I view the system a little differently. As a birthmother who fights for Adoptee Rights, I often focus more on the legislative injustices, systematic corruption, and the loss that is an automatic part of adoption.

Protecting the Privacy of Birthmothers

ess than 1% of Birthmothers in the US desire to keep their adult children at arm’s length. So out of the 6 to 8 million adult adoptees in the United States, we can assume that there are say 6 million birthmothers and .993471% want to be left alone. That comes to 39,174 birthmothers. So because of 40 thousand mothers another 6 to 8 million people and their children and their children’s children get denied medical histories, get denied their identity, get denied their truth.. for the good of 40,000?

Is Your Adoption Agency Ethical?

Adoption is particularly hard because it is never something we really learn about before we find it in our lives. I know I never dreamed that one day I would grow up, have a baby, give him to other parents to raise and not see him for 19 years. I believe that is true for many adoptive parents as well. Maybe you always felt that you would eventually adopt a child, maybe you were always intrigued, maybe you thought about it long and hard, or maybe suddenly, you just felt that you were thrust into it, maybe you entered it blindly; I don’t know, but I bet, looking back now, you would say that you had no idea what the experience of adoption a child would really be like. That you think now there was no way to have planned for it all. You could not have known