Day 9 of Adoption Activism; NAAM2013 – Petitions
Governor Andrew Cuomo: NYS Should Fund Statewide Post Adoption Services and Petitioning The U.S. Senate: Create “Veronica’s Law” both on Now sign and share!
Governor Andrew Cuomo: NYS Should Fund Statewide Post Adoption Services and Petitioning The U.S. Senate: Create “Veronica’s Law” both on Now sign and share!
I noticed most of the open adoption information is very general. Then I noticed the language that was being used – and it was manipulative. Lastly, I noticed how the information was being presented – and again, it was manipulative.
Speak your truth on the Today Show message boards about their week long adoption propaganda and then battle the adoption profiles on Craigslist. Yeah, you are going to earn your #NAAM t shirt!
Notify the members of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, especially your own Representatives and Senators who are members of the Coalition, that you are outraged that their “institute” has endorsed this horrendous CHIFF bill.
Hailey was given up for adoption at birth without her father’s consent. Her father, Anthony, has been fighting for her even before her birth.This illegal and unethical adoption involves an unethical adoption attempt that was taken to the California Appellate Court. The adoption bid failed with the April 2012 Appeals Court decision – Anthony’s daughter is not even eligible for adoption. Yet, Hailey is still stuck in the failed PAP’s possession as the Guardianship case drags on indefinitely.
Adoption agencies want birthmothers and adoptive parents to see positive outcomes of open adoption. They do this is by highlighting open adoption success stories from “happy adoptees,” but are the stories honest?
Vote for Adoptees like James Lane in NY on Election Day Tomorrow or like Matt Lundy for Mayor of Traverse City, Michigan!
Please don’t allow the original purpose of “National Adoption Month” be upstaged by the people who profit from the sale of children. Approximately 100,000 kids who can’t return home need some one who really cares about what happens to them
OMG Michigan We are Not Idiots! The simple fact that a mother or father has no real right to revoke their consent to adoption is complete and utter bull crap and saying that this joke of a bill somehow “strengthens the rights of birthmothers is so insane and so convoluted that I can barley type because all I can do is sputter in disbelief and disdain.
Here is what this open adoption looks like to the child who was adopted: My biological family was willing to go to extremes to make sure I went to an adopted family. If all of this support was there, why didn’t my biological family simply support my biological mom so she could keep me?
I am working on a slide show and power point presentation on the history of lies and corruption in adoption. one of the sections includes lies surrounding our adoptions. I would like to show the photo of the person along with 3 or 4 sentences describing the lies, corruption, or deceit.
With the start of the 2013 National Adoption Awareness Month, I can think of nothing more fitting that to say yes, let us become aware of what adoption means the children that have grown up in adoption; closed adoptions, opens adoptions, needed adoptions, forced adoptions, discriminated, denied, reunioned, rejected, rejoiced, wounded or foggy; let us be aware of their truth, their adoption stories, for that is what we must judge adoption by.
For National Adoption Awareness Month, here’s 30 days of adoption activist activities that you can do instead of just complaining about adoption! Spread Adoption Truths outside the walls of AdoptionLand!
For those non adopted, it might seem easy to dismiss the importance of genetic mirroring since we do not have to think about it. It is just there. But it’s like saying that the air we breathe is not important because we don’t think about it and its just there. If we were to not have oxygen for even a few minutes, each and every one of us would be screaming to have it restored. Genetic mirroring is like that.
1,000 files carrying information about Central New Yorkers who were adopted over the past 20 years form New Life Adoption Agency in Syracuse NY – their medical histories, their adoptive parents’ finances, and in some cases the identities of their birth parents- are free to their owners. The lawyer housing them will give them those who can present proof of idenity