
Don’t Tell Me What To Do…and Other Things I Think

We, as adoptees, are demanding respect today, in a show of strength like never before. Our strength lies in our togetherness; our united voice. It is important to play fair and be kind, as everyone’s experience is different and VALID. Please think about that before you tear someone’s head off.

Adoptee Rights Bills to Support in 2014

Ready to fight to free adoption records and restore adoptees civil rights? All the pending bills, all in one place! Send your letter, make a comment saying you did, and share the post to your own networks, The only way we will ever restore the civil rights of our friends and children is if we work on their doggedly and with purpose together.

The Chicken’s Arse; An Adoption Story

Grace grew up knowing not only she was adopted, but, was also informed by Kay, the woman who adopted her, that if she didn’t “behave herself”, her adoptive father, Charlie, would “send her back to where she came from”.

Inner Healing Conference in Florida

Adoption Support and Healing in Florida

When: March 28th to 30th, 2014
Where: Celebration Church Tampa Florida
Who: Deanne form Adoptee Restoration and other real therapists!
Register: Right here on
Fee: 10$ Yup! TEN!