A Father’s Right

Day 5 of Adoption Activism; NAAM2013- Help Bring Hailey Home

Hailey was given up for adoption at birth without her father’s consent. Her father, Anthony, has been fighting for her even before her birth.This illegal and unethical adoption involves an unethical adoption attempt that was taken to the California Appellate Court. The adoption bid failed with the April 2012 Appeals Court decision – Anthony’s daughter is not even eligible for adoption. Yet, Hailey is still stuck in the failed PAP’s possession as the Guardianship case drags on indefinitely.

The “Unknown” Father in Adoption

The intent behind “protecting” a person from the ugly or not so ugly truth about one’s self might be begun as a kindness, but it is still a lie. So even if you love the person you wish to protect, you are betraying their trust and making a decisions for them based on your feelings, not theirs. You are not trusting them enough with knowledge that is theirs, not yours, to withhold. Truth is truth and no amount of wishing can change that.

The Continued Human Tragedy; Veronica Rose and her Thwarted Father

So what is a “thwarted father’? Essentially a father, usually involved in an adoption case, where the other parties purposely sought to keep him out of this child’s life in order to terminate his parental rights. If you look into the case mentioned by Judge Malphrus, the story of the case are so incredible similar in circumstance that it’s almost uncanny. It’s another adoption agency screwing a father out of his child.

What Can We Save From Veronica Rose Brown’s “Adoption” Fiasco

See, Dusten Brown did NOT voluntarily relinquish and give his consent to have his child Veronica Rose Brown Adopted. That part is not in question. The original trial found that he did not consent and based on the ICWA, a father of native child must consent. When the Supreme Court of the United States threw out the use of ICWA as unconstitutional, Dusten Browns consent was no longer required and essentially, it does not matter what he wants.

Another Father Fights for His Parental Rights

“Baby Hailey” is almost three years old. Since before she was born her Father has been trying to establish his parental rights.. The travesty of California court, which had previously reinstated his paternal rights, is now used to exercise another wanna-be adoptive mothers fantasy under the name of unlawful guardianship application.

“Ripped Away From the ONLY Home the Child Has EVER Known”

Possession is nine point nine tenths of the law when it comes to child custody and contested adoptions. While dads try to understand this new reality of hell, try to find legal help, funds, and information; stumbling over punitive father’s registries, state paternity filing dates and out of state adoption agencies; they just sit back, and wait for him to get so defeated, so tired, so overwhelmed, that he just goes away, beaten. Just keep fighting.

Father’s Day and Paternal Abandonment

Suffering a Serious Lack of Grandpa’s Around I won’t be sending my father a Father’s Day card. I won’t be talking him out to dinner or buying him a Father’s Day gift. My children will not be making him goofy pictures telling him what a great grandpa he is. He doesn’t know their names. He has never seen them. My children do not have a grandfather. In fact the ONLY…

A Father’s Rights to Custody in Adoption

A Father’s Rights to Custody; Thwarted, Ignored, Legally Denied, and Unjustly Steamrolled

It might seem that a father should have a natural right to parent his own child, but sadly, when adoption enters the picture, the rights of the birth father are often nonexistent. 
A father’s right to the custody of his own flesh and blood is something most easily and legally forgotten when the birthmother of the child has “chosen” relinquishment for the baby.  Worse, yet, the laws are stacked up against him and the legal battles that go with his desire to parent often take years and thousands of dollars in legal fees.

 Learn how to Protect Your Rights as Father Now!

What Does a Child Deserve?

This is a continuation of thoughts based on a YouTube Comment, the first part: You don’t deserve to be a Mother. This is the part of the comment that is in the spotlight now: Growing up in extreme poverty is not what a child deserves I think that first we have a need to define “extreme poverty”. I immediately get a mental picture of the Save the Children” commercials: toddlers…

Fighting on..without a prayer…

I hate this story. I hate that it is even still going on. This poor young dad, his poor family, and the poor baby. WTF are these people thinking?? Lots of speculation if you have been following the story. I can use my secret spider sense to tell you what I think went on. Boy and girl find out they are PG and plan to keep baby. Dad works on…