Write a Letter to Utah Because They Deny Father’s Their Rights
Yes, I have in my email box yet ANOTHER father who is fighting for the rights to parent his daughter. Why? Because adoption agencies across America routinely screw over fathers. I wish I could say few states do it as well as Utah, but Utah has the pressure on right now. Utah is in the middle of Adoption PR hell, so let’s keep the pressure on.
The HEAT is on Utah for their Hugely Unethical Adoption Practices
Please consider joining, helping, supporting, any of the following:
- The Utah Council for Unethical Adoption Practices https://www.facebook.com/groups/358638794196890/
- Let Cody Met His Daughter: http://www.babyselling.com/Cody and Ashley conceived a child together in the fall of 2005. When Ashley told him of her pregnancy Cody made it very clear he wanted her to keep the child. (Cody was under the impression Ashley was contemplating abortion.) Cody said he would take care of her financially and provide her with a place to live if her family kicked her out due to her pregnancy. Ashley had told him her family was going to “disown” her. Cody stressed at the time he was intent on raising the child.
- Get Baby Jack Back: http://www.getbabyjackback.com/
- Baby Emma Wyatt Fund: http://www.babyemmawyatt.com/Donate.html
- Illegal Adoption of Kaia: http://illegaladoption.com/donations-to-legal-fund/
- Bringing Brady Michael Home: http://bringingbradyhome.com/
- Keary Watson and Elizabeth Renee Watson: http://www.gofundme.com/1fyok