
Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association Spring Conference 2013

Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association Spring Conference 2013


WHEN: 3/1/2013 to 3/2/2013

WHERE: Adventureland Resort in Altoona, Iowa

ONLINE: http://www.ifapa.org/training/ifapa_conference.asp

IFAPA 2013 Spring Adoption Conference

IFAPA hosts a spring training conference every year for foster and adoptive parents, kinship caregivers and social workers. The 2013 Spring Conference will be held on Friday, March 1 and Saturday, March 2 at the Adventureland Resort in Altoona. All of our conference trainings are approved for foster parent credit and many are also approved for social work CEUs. Families/social workers have the option to attend the full-conference or may choose to attend only Friday or Saturday. Our conference offers many great training opportunities you cannot find anywhere else!! Our 2013 Conference Workshop topics will include:

  • Challenging Behaviors
  • Trauma
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Attachment
  • Understanding the Addiction Cycle
  • Child Development
  • Communicating in the Professional World
  • Stress Management
  • Advocating in the Court Systems
  • Nutrition and a Child’s Behavior
  • Internet Safety
  • Social Networking
  • Special Education
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Adoption Tax Credit
  • Mandatory Reporter
  • CPR & First Aid

More details to come in December!

About the Author

Musings of the Lame was started in 2005 primarily as a simple blog recording the feelings of a birthmother as she struggled to understand how the act of relinquishing her first newborn so to adoption in 1987 continued to be a major force in her life. Built from the knowledge gained in the adoption community, it records the search for her son and the adoption reunion as it happened. Since then, it has grown as an adoption forum encompassing the complexity of the adoption industry, the fight to free her sons adoption records and the need for Adoptee Rights, and a growing community of other birthmothers, adoptive parents and adopted persons who are able to see that so much what we want to believe about adoption is wrong.