Musings of the Lame; An Adoption Blog

Montel, not the great hope at all.

You know what they say about having expectations? How they are our own worst enemy? I mean, I don’t trust talk show, I know the whole idea of sensationalism, I tried not to go in blind, be prepared, be ready for the worst. I had even stock responses ready if, for whatever reason, things got way off track and personal and I didn’t want to feel obligated to go somewhere…

Adoptees needed by Donaldson Institute

ADULT ADOPTEES 18+ PLEASE PARTICIPATE IN OUR SURVEY! “Beyond Culture Camp: Promoting Healthy Identity Formation in Adoption” A Project by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute with funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Recently we had sent an email requesting ADULT ADOPTEES 18+ — ESPECIALLY INTERNATIONALLY ADOPTED ADULTS — to participate in our national online survey for our ground-breaking study on identity and adoption. If you have already completed the…

So this Thusday…

A car is coming to pick me up. I took the night off from work. I have a new back suit, and a pretty pink blouse. Even bought new shoes..well, it was a good excuse to buy new shoes, anything is a good excuse to buy new shoes. I AM having a hair crisis, as I really, really need a real hair cut. I mean real becasue I never go…

Adoption Updates for 2007

So good news! Governor Mitt of MA has left office WITHOUT signing the horrible SB2690 into law! It looks dead! With a new administration, they have to redo the bill, find a new sponser HOPEFULLY..with work, t can be made into a GOOD ill again, where the rights of ALL adoptees, are supported! **** Speaking of Adoptee rights..this Sunday the Adoption Show is all about the NY law! New…

NY Open Adoption Ruling

Back in early November, there was a ruling passed down in NY where a mom wo had reliquised her rights but was assured visitation with the child. She was cut out of visitation and took the matter to court. And she won! Lots of questions came up with this case..lots of discussions. The original article is here. Anyway, I finally got the full text from NY law review. Thank you…

Allison Quets

There is an age-old adage that two wrongs don’t make a right. Of course, us mothers of adoption loss understand the level of desperation that Allison Lee Quets must have been experiencing when she failed to return her 17 month old twins to their adoptive parents. And while we can support preservation of the natural family and encourages families to parent their own offspring, even to legally fight to regain…

Bad things happening in MA…

The Massachusettes Open records bill has become a complete travisty of justice and the ideas of which it was created. It wouldn;t be so bad that the dern thing seemed to have no movement after the hearings etc, excpet that now it is ready to be law. Senate bill 2690 amended version of 959: INSTATRAC BILL SUMMARY SB-2690 of 2005-2006 By the Senate Committee on Ways and Means: Directs the…

Fighting on..without a prayer…

I hate this story. I hate that it is even still going on. This poor young dad, his poor family, and the poor baby. WTF are these people thinking?? Lots of speculation if you have been following the story. I can use my secret spider sense to tell you what I think went on. Boy and girl find out they are PG and plan to keep baby. Dad works on…

My Corrigans.

I don’t speak much about my own father. I haven’t seen him in 20 years, haven’t spoken to him in almost 13. I pretty much consider myself an orphan. My mom is passed..and my father…just out there..somewhere. He wasn’t the greatest. He had issues, of which I will probably never completely understand. My parents marrige was like oil and water…very odd dynamics with me, an only child, somewhere in the…

Lazy Holiday Bliss..

I wish I was like a cat and could purrrrr. I would if I could. I feel very content at this moment in time. Totally deconstructed Christmas we have here. Very mellow, just opening presents, muching on good food. No one really gets out of PJs. The kids, this year, are also rather mellow, just playing away…even rather quietly, amused they are, by the bounty that is Santa. My children…

Oh what did I do??

Saw this bullitan on my space… MTV True Life Presents… I’m Looking for My Birth Parent email us at: with the details Were you adopted and are now ready to find your birth parent/s? Have you already located your birth parent and are about to meet for the first time? Or has a birth parent recently located you and requested a meeting? If you are interested in sharing your…

Bad bits and Bites

Yesterday all the Buzz in adoptinland was about PizzaHut UK’s horrible ad compaign “Adopt a Cheesy Bite”. If you missed all the hoopala, some insensitive wing nut at Weiden and Kennedy thought it would be great based on “With all the comment in the news at the moment about issues surrounding adoption, we thought it was an issue we could tap into. Possibly in questionable taste. Also funny.” Ummm..definatly questionable,…

Friend or Foe..the NYSCCC?

I wrote this out this morning: Judith Ashton, Executive Director NYS Citizens’ Coalition for Children, Inc. 410 East Upland Road Ithaca, NY 14850 607-272-0034 Fax: 607-272-0035 jashton@nysccc. org http://www.nysccc. Org Ms. Ashton, Upon reading your note**** to Heather Kuhn regarding her article “New York is Ready to Change Its Adoption Laws”, as it was forwarded to OriginsUSA, I became curious as to what the New York State Citizen’s Coalition for…

Tis and Tat

Newsy bits and all… Sad story playing out now in adoption legal land between Georiga and Florida. High school kids get PG and mom places baby. Dad and dad’s family have no intention of consenting to the relinquishment, but….baby is already gone!! Off to Florida. Seems dad did fill out all paperwork as needed by Georgia to claim the child 5 days after birth ( he has 30) but the…

Connecting the Dots

It’s really funny, but when I meet someone for the first time..and if I don’t really like them at all, like if I think to my self “Oh, I just don’t like her’ usually turns out that that person becomes one of the people I love most in this world. Maybe I see something so close to who I am , that I relate too much, but it is odd,…