Adoptee Rights Coalition

Opposition to Adoptee Rights in Missouri

Help Missouri Adoptees

It is URGENT that Adoptee Rights supporters come out in full force Monday March 16th. This is the hearing for the agency bill HB1112, and we need to show strong opposition. We need to gather anyone who can be there IN PERSON to support HB647. They don’t all have to speak, and they can be friends, neighbors, co-workers whoever can fill seats on our behalf.

Talking About Adoptee Rights To Legislators or Anyone Else Part III

“It’s not about a supposed myth of birthmother privacy and being afraid of one’s child; it’s really about treating people equally. Adoptee Rights legislation does not force an adoptee to obtain their original birth certificate. It simply restores this civil and human right to adopted people so that, if they wish to, they can access their birth certificate the same as all other people. Not different, not special, just equal.”

Talking About Adoptee Rights To Legislators or Anyone Else Part II

At the most basic level Adoptee Rights is about civil rights and being treated equally. I mean why should we have special laws for people just because they happen to be adopted after they were born? That’s just not right. So for many adoptees, they want to right to have this piece of paper because it is theirs.. it’s their original identity. It has their name on it. It’s their documentation and why shouldn’t they be allowed to have it?”

Talking About Adoptee Rights To Legislators or Anyone Else

The thing is; I’m not a super woman. I don’t have better speaking skills than the rest of the world. I don’t do anything spectacular. I just talk to people about adoption and most specifically adoptee rights; a lot. These same conversations and discussions can easily be adaptable to speaking to ANYONE about adoptee rights; Congressmen, shop clerks, your neighbors, your mother, newspaper reporters… get the idea? Don’t be so worried about saying it “wrong”. These conversations are only wrong is your DON’T say or DO anything.

Adoptee Rights in Georgia Needs YOUR Help!

Immediate help is needed in contacting the following 11 subcommittee members to reiterate that HB524 is a civil rights issue and urging them to vote ‘Do Pass’ on Monday on the GEAR supported language of the original opposed legislation as introduced by Buzz Brockway.

2013 Adoptee Rights Demonstration Reflections

If there was a theme of this year’s ARD, I think this might be it; Coming together, working together, making things possible, for while some helped to get me on that plane, others helped to keep me sane and make it work. It is YOU who make it all worthwhile! But that’s is what it is about at the Adoptee Rights Demonstration. We come to gather to make a our much needed voices for Adoptee Rights be heard and garnish the strength for another year ahead with the company of others who understand.

Where I Must Be Humbled and Poor

The Adoptee Rights plan has been for the last year that my whole family would go to the 6th annual Adoptee Rights Coalition’s national demonstration in Atlanta this year. I have tried to remain hopeful. I have put my faith in the universe that something would work out, but we are looking at a little more than month away and I finally had to say to Rye last week.. Atlanta isn’t looking like reality.