Adoption in the Media

About International Adoption in Australia

These Angels Aren’t Telling the Whole Story By Ian Robinson INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION 18 Nov 2008 Deborra-Lee Furness wants us to import a lot more children from other countries for the Australian adoption market — but it’s an ignorant and selfish approach to the problem of child poverty, writes Ian Robinson In a recent Weekend Australian Magazine, Deborra-Lee Furness breathlessly told her interviewer that there were “103 million orphaned children in the world”. “How can…

Adoptees More Likely to be Troubled – says new study

While quite a few of the mainstream media seems to have picked up on this, the lovely MSP sent me the notice of the Time article. Thank you, my friend! Now before I go off on an infmous FauxClaud adoption rant, please follow that link that appears below that says “digg story” and take a minute to sign up for Digg and then “digg it”. If the dern thing gets…

Review: Inside a Cult..of Adoption

I missed the beginning, and I missed the end, but what I did see made chills run up and down my spine. What Seaparets a Cult from Adoption? Yes, this Michael Travesser guy is a freak. Yes, it’s all very scary stuff. The whole having sex with young virgins because he is the Messiah is nasty stuff. But what really peeked my interest was the control aspect of how this…

What Does a Child Deserve?

This is a continuation of thoughts based on a YouTube Comment, the first part: You don’t deserve to be a Mother. This is the part of the comment that is in the spotlight now: Growing up in extreme poverty is not what a child deserves I think that first we have a need to define “extreme poverty”. I immediately get a mental picture of the Save the Children” commercials: toddlers…

Adoption Terminology PC Time Warp

I received this question in my comments in this last post regarding my Adoption Today Article: “congrats on getting published, but i must ask: did the magazine insist, that you denigrate yourself by calling yourself an incubator for this article? somehow i thought that you, Claud, considered yourself to be Max’s mother, not just a walking uterus (i.e. “birth mother”) who produced him for his “true parents” 🙁 it is…

HardCopy: Adoption Today Magazine

Right before I turned thirty, a job that I worked on in my rather small interior design firm had a job printed in Interiors and Sources. It was pretty cool, I have say, seeing my name in a real magazine. It helped with the trauma of turning thirty.. ugg.. But I had a new house, a decent “career” job, and I was expecting a sparkley engagement ring for the…

Tonight! on the Adoption Show!

THE ADOPTION SHOW Voices Ending the Myth Sunday December 9, 2007 9:00 PM EST OUSA STUDY MOTHERS’ VOICES: SURRENDER EXPERIENCES AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS BERNADETTE WRIGHT Bernadette Wright is a mother who lost her only child, a son who she named Sebastian, to a grey market baby broker in 1990, when she was 19. She has not seen or known anything about her son since he was taken from the hospital…

Bernadette Wright on the Radio!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEMBER, 27, 2007 Bernadette Wright, Ph.D., President of Origins-USA will be speaking be on two upcoming radio shows. Her interview on The Adoption Show with Michelle Edmonds ( will air in early December, date to be determined. Topics discussed include Origins-USA’s study on the effects of relinquishments on mothers’ lives, the nature and extent of adoption coercion, and what has changes and what has stayed the same…

Movie Review: August Rush

Getting Ready to See August Rush I don’t have to say again how loopy excited I was to go see this film. Hoped for by the adoption truth lovers as THE film to get get people to understand some of the complexities of adoption separation, I ignored the fact that I spent the majority of the previous 56 hours in bed with a flu and bounced out the door. Bonnie…

New York Times Blogs..

I am assuming this is something for our lovely National Adoption Awarness looks like they are running an adoption related blog everyday for the month… or i am indeed cementing my lameness by just noticing this and it is here all the time??? In anycase, worth a read.. worth a comment if you are so inclined… and I think my new favorite quote just came out of it: <…

Adoption Ethics and Accountability Conference

October 15 – 16, 2007 Conference Highlights & Meet the Bloggers Update Reserve Hotel Now – Discounts end Sept 14th! Ethics Conference Draws Prominent Speakers, Presenters and Attendees from Around the World NEW YORK, Sept. 7, 2007 – The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute and Ethica, Inc. are delighted to announce today that nearly 200 adoption experts, researchers, mental-health professionals, practitioners, triad members, media representatives, and policy and practice professionals…

How Many Mothers Must Suffer Before We Care About Adoption Loss in the USA?

Motive for death of US troops…democracy?? NO..Oil money.
Motive for the needless separation of mothers and the children? No..profit from the transfer of parental rights.
Media coverage for both outrage? The war wins…though barely. Who wants to hear that depressing bit anyway? Not when we can read about Hollywood starlets behaving badly..much more amusing.

A Child’s Waiting is in Trouble!

A Child’s Waiting , the agency that used and abused Stephanie Bennett has been found to be non compliment. Meanwhile, it seems the people who have had Evelyn and refused to give her back on the advice of A Child’s Waiting have moved out of state.

Why is Stephanie Bennett so Important??

I want you to imagine, really, being Judy Bennett. I want you to think about if Stephanie Bennett was YOUR child, if Evelyn Bennett was YOUR granddaughter, and you were just an “Obstacle”. I want you to think about what you would do if you had this agency in front of you and keeping your grandchild from you. What if no one cared? What would you do for help?

The Promises of Adoption? They Were Wrong

The fact is..there are ENOUGH moms who relinquished who are saying…hey, it didn’t work like that. And enough adoptees say the same thing. Human nature is different than the plan and the beliefs. They were built on faulty principles Not your fault, not mine..lets blame the adoption industry. They have known for some time, they have had the information at hand, and still they kept throwing this pipe dream at us all and selling us all down a river.