Adoption in the Media

Adoptees and Sisters Reality Show Casting Call

Prime Time Reality Show Looking for Adoptees and their Sisters I’m just a passing this on….I DO encourage peope to DO these sorts of things, not becasue you want to be on TV, but becasue the more TURE stories out there.. the more it helps. PLEASE remember to SUPPORT ADOPTEE RIGHTS if, you know, you happen to go for it. Mentioning on TV the reality of adoptees sealed records could…

Jeep Knows Bloodlines Matter

Perhaps Jeep Could Sponsor Adoptee Rights? We all have a bloodline, but it takes a bold spirit to say…… Give Me Access to my Original Birth Certifcate! Dear Folks at Jeep, I dearly love your new commercials and I am not the one in the family who looks whistlfully at Jeeps as they pass us on the road. That’s my husband Rye who still mourns the last of our Jeeps…

When Only the Rich Deserve to Have Sex

Rye is a news junkie and sometimes I just have to be a pain and make him turn it off. As much as I love a good Rachel Maddow snarky fest, sometimes I just cannot take how incredible STUPID our elect politicians in Washington can be. It’s almost harder to watch their antics on TRMS or on Jon Stewart because it’s then so damn obvious how unrealistic and ideological and…

Related by Birth: An Adoption Documentary

Last year, I was contacted to be interviewed for a documentary about birthmothers. It’s always hard to completely go back there and even with the emotional support provide, it’s not pleasant. Yet, sometimes you have to take the chance and do the hard stuff. I figure, no one will hear us if we sit in the shadows. Needless, to say, I went. Documenting the Adoption Story It was, as always,…

Adoptee Rights: Suing the State that Denies One Access to the OBC

I am no law professor, but I get inspired in odd places. Rye and I were watching the History Channel the other night about the history of the Ku Klux Klan, and it actually inspired me. How can the Klan Help Adoptees I’m not completely sure, but follow my logic with me for a minute, will you? The show brought up the Civil Rights Act of 1871 and I immediately…

My Adopt-a-tude: More on Find My Family

I was asked to write Adopt-a-tude’s second post in a series about the ABC reality show Find My Family. I most happily agreed. So, yes.. another post on how I feel about ABC’s Find My Family, just in case I have not been clear about it!

Primal Wound Book Tour: Birthmother Musings

I was open to the idea of this Prima Wound book tour since I knew it had been some time since I had read my copy this adoption classic. Plus, the last time I had read it I was in the midst of a massive adoption book read in; so much of it got jumbled with tons of other facts and figures. I tend to read like that and assimilate…

A Birthmother’s Perspective of ABC’s Find My Family

I made a point to watch ABC’s Find My Family tonight I normally avoid adoption related shows because I don’t do well with them in general. I yell at the TV and get all worked up. I know it makes Rye nervous. Birthmothers and Adoption TV=Not Fun As a birthmother, I find it is like walking through a land mine; carefully place the my foot down on the next step,…

Open letter to President Obama

My Dear President, First, I must thank you. For the first time in long 8 years, I can admit that I do again have a president. I like that I can feel proud to be an American again. We have been waiting for you. Now I know you have too many things on your plate right now and in the scheme of things, what I ask from you probably will…

Anti-Adoption Insights

I was combing through my adoption information link list and the list for AAI caught my eye. For many of us, we “began” online on MSN Groups..Adoption, Adoption Insights, Anti-Adoption Insights. The first few years of my online existence were over at those places. They are where I learned to write. It’s where I learned… I clicked it and the site was gone.

Who Really Has the Right to Judge Birth Mothers??

Judgement. Choices. Lack of True Choice. Variations of this theme have been running through my head for a long time. To some the birth mother is a saintly figure. Wise. Sacrificing. Selfless. A builder of Families. A deliverer of dreams come true. Adoptive families want to thank her. Poor girl, she is just in a sad situation, but through her wisdom she can make the best of the situation and…

Adoption Agency Reputations

I think this is really important. Please, spread this news: We have consisitantly been fustrated by the unscrupolusness of the adoption agencies as a whole. Between their blantnet marketing, their trolling for expectant mothers who are young and unwed, recruitment and false advertsiment, the lack of truthful impacts of adoption, the lack of regulation and oversight,and general coersive and exploitive practices; agencies often seem very unstopable. They have the power…

Great Investigative Journalism on International Adoptions!

  I love it when some one else “gets’ it”. It’s even more super fantastic when a trusted and reputable investigative journalism outlet really gets it and seems to be getting into even more. It’s equally loveable when I stumble upon this thanks to Teresa’s ULB Diggs of the Day! Corruption in International Adoptions “The Lie We Love” The story of abandoned orphans in developing countries who need to be…

Finially! The Montel Williams Adoption Scam footage.

Well, not all of it. Just the part starring…me! In case you missed it, back this time around two years ago, I was on the Montel Williams Show and it was pretty horrible. Since then, I have been trying to get the dern thing online. Long story, but even after having the geeks at the office mess with it, it still could not be converted to a playable file. Though…