Adoption Mythology

Open letter to President Obama

My Dear President, First, I must thank you. For the first time in long 8 years, I can admit that I do again have a president. I like that I can feel proud to be an American again. We have been waiting for you. Now I know you have too many things on your plate right now and in the scheme of things, what I ask from you probably will…

Adoption’s Silver Lining

Sometimes adoption just confuses me. Not in the regular old sense like “how does all this corruption continue and why won’t so many people bother to see the so logical truth” or “how exploitive and sleazy will agencies have to get before moms see through their tricks?”, but in the tradition of the Talking Heads: Well how did I get here? The fact remains that the relinquishment of my son…

Anti-Adoption Insights

I was combing through my adoption information link list and the list for AAI caught my eye. For many of us, we “began” online on MSN Groups..Adoption, Adoption Insights, Anti-Adoption Insights. The first few years of my online existence were over at those places. They are where I learned to write. It’s where I learned… I clicked it and the site was gone.

The Downward Spiral to a Birthmother

This story begins here:” How to Begin a BirthMother: Chapter 1 I returned home from New York City, hastily packed, defeated, depressed, and full of fear. Back to my room, back to the life of which I so wanted to get away from and this time without any dreams of escape. My physical load much lighter, but my heart filed with failure and regrets, now fearful and more doubtful of…

Confessions of a BirthMother

This will not make sense unless you begin here: Becoming a Birthmother Chapter1 Now I had a great secret in my life. It was beyond exciting. Ah, yes…I had him. The real games began. The pattern of our affair began to emerge. By day, I was the ever eager little worker bee. Now, even more desperate, to please my mighty employer. Working late took on new meaning. I would manage…

The Seduction of a Birthmother Part 3

This will not make sense unless you begin here: Becoming a Birthmother Chapter1 **** We left the office separately. There was no need to tell me that I was not to announce our upcoming escapade to anyone. When he was ready, he said good night like always and I quickly followed him down to the lobby. He was waiting for me out on the street where we hailed a cab…

How to Become a Birthmother: Chapter 2ish

I recommend reading “How to become a Birthmother Chapter 1” first **** There was a second lunch. It rode on the innocent coat tails of the first. You know, “That was nice. Let’s do it again” I am a sucker for great food. Growing up, my Uncle Mike would think nothing of spending eighty or ninety dollars at the specialty Italian deli on imported prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella that we…

Birthmother Assimilation via Facebook

Once upon a time, I had a life and adoption, while affecting my life and all, was really not part of it. The kool aide was still in my system and I was sleeping in Egypt. I understand it. I functioned and did what I had to do. It’s survival for many birth mothers. Then, about 8 years ago, cable Internet was introduced to my house and the first thing…

Great Investigative Journalism on International Adoptions!

  I love it when some one else “gets’ it”. It’s even more super fantastic when a trusted and reputable investigative journalism outlet really gets it and seems to be getting into even more. It’s equally loveable when I stumble upon this thanks to Teresa’s ULB Diggs of the Day! Corruption in International Adoptions “The Lie We Love” The story of abandoned orphans in developing countries who need to be…

Adoptees More Likely to be Troubled – says new study

While quite a few of the mainstream media seems to have picked up on this, the lovely MSP sent me the notice of the Time article. Thank you, my friend! Now before I go off on an infmous FauxClaud adoption rant, please follow that link that appears below that says “digg story” and take a minute to sign up for Digg and then “digg it”. If the dern thing gets…

What Does a Child Deserve?

This is a continuation of thoughts based on a YouTube Comment, the first part: You don’t deserve to be a Mother. This is the part of the comment that is in the spotlight now: Growing up in extreme poverty is not what a child deserves I think that first we have a need to define “extreme poverty”. I immediately get a mental picture of the Save the Children” commercials: toddlers…

“Anger is more useful than despair.”

Quite a few years ago, I gave up on NOT sleeping with the TV on all night. I use to make a huge point of taking the “I-have-no-function-but-for-the-sleep-timer” controller, and using the sleep timer, since Rye HAD to have the TV on to sleep, but I hated to wake up at 3 am to an infomercial. Eventually, I lost both the battle, the clicker and lost the light sleeping that…

Adoption Terminology PC Time Warp

I received this question in my comments in this last post regarding my Adoption Today Article: “congrats on getting published, but i must ask: did the magazine insist, that you denigrate yourself by calling yourself an incubator for this article? somehow i thought that you, Claud, considered yourself to be Max’s mother, not just a walking uterus (i.e. “birth mother”) who produced him for his “true parents” 🙁 it is…

Giving Holiday Sphears: Jamie Lynn Pregnant at 16!

It’s kind of funny, considering that it is me, but I have been volunteering all over the place for Tristan’s and Scarlett’s school. The last week has been all about the PTA Holiday Gift Shoppe… Yup, running the holiday gift shoppe. Yup, the PTA. But, it’s been fun and I can do it one handed. And it’s good for all these kids, it’s good for the school, and people really…