
Adoption Support Groups

Saving Our Sisters; An Adoption SOS

The simple fact is that we CAN do this. And it is becoming more and more clear that we MUST do this. So if you are at all interested in actually DOING something to really help preserve families, support successful parenting and provide a viable option to a unplanned crisis pregnancy and avoid adoption, PLEASE join this list.

Ametz Adoption NYC Pre-Adoption Support Group March 20, 2014

This monthly group is for anyone exploring adoption or who has begun the adoption process. Musings of the Lame cannot confirm the quality of such meetings nor approve or disapprove the messages given. Please do your homework to ensure that any adoption is as ethical as possible. As this agency has a foster to adopt program, the listing is permitted.

Inside Out Adoption Healing Seminar CA

WHO: PACT: Inside Out Adoption and the Mixed Roots Foundation
WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 2013 10:00am until 6:00pm
WHERE:American Red Cross Center, 712 5th Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901
WEBSITE: Inside Out Adoption
BONUS: Make it an Adoption Weekend! Go to PACT’s Adoption Conference on the Sat and this on Sun!

My Friend Merridee

It’s her son’s birthday this week. That haunting look just flickered quickly though her eyes when she told me. No one could have noticed the quiver in her voice. I saw it. I know what a birthday means.
“When do you usually crash?” I asked her.
“I’ll get hit on Wednesday” she replied.