Ethical Adoption

Day 5 of Adoption Activism; NAAM2013- Help Bring Hailey Home

Hailey was given up for adoption at birth without her father’s consent. Her father, Anthony, has been fighting for her even before her birth.This illegal and unethical adoption involves an unethical adoption attempt that was taken to the California Appellate Court. The adoption bid failed with the April 2012 Appeals Court decision – Anthony’s daughter is not even eligible for adoption. Yet, Hailey is still stuck in the failed PAP’s possession as the Guardianship case drags on indefinitely.

People Who Should Never Adopt

It’s not an example, not a snarky joke, but a real email exchange. I know, I know.. I should leave well enough alone, but sometimes it is like picking a scab. You know it is gross and it’s gonna hurt, but I. Just. Can’t Stop. Lord help me if this one ever gets his hands on a child. I guess this is what adoption has come to in this country.

There are No Contracts in Adoption

Actually the word “contract” is not used in adoption legalese due to the nature of who can sign it. See, minors are not allowed to enter a contract under contract law. And since many times women under the age of 18 are encouraged to relinquish their babies to adoption, an “adoption contract” would just not do. So adoption relinquishment consent form is just that; an: adoption relinquishment consent form.

Vote for The 2013 Demons in Adoption Awards

For the seventh year in a row, Pound Pup Legacy, has asked AdoptionLand to decide who will become the recipient of the annual Demons of Adoption Award.The Demons of Adoption Awards were introduced in 2007, to raise a voice against adoption propaganda and the self congratulatory practices of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s annual Angel in Adoption Award TM.

Fertility and Getting Pregnant versus Infertility and Adoption

I just do not support adoption as a solution to fix your infertility. Or her infertility. Or their infertility or just about anyone’s . I do not support domestic infant adoption. Period. See, Adoption will not FIX your problem. Your problem is that you are infertile and cannot have your own child. If you adopt a child, then you will still NOT have your own child. You will have someone else’s child and you will still be infertile. And for you to GET that child, you will have to be part of a highly unethical and inhumane profit driven business. And I don’t care how wonderful you are, how much you have wanted to have a kid, how perfect of parents you would be, you still don’t get a pass on ethics.

Buying a Baby: Melanie Capobianco’s Testimony About Saving Veronica Rose Brown

The Cost of this Adoption aka Baby Buying

So in April of 2009, right around the time that Christy was getting all pissy with Dusten, the Capobianco got in touch with Mr. Godwin.

There was a “birth family background report” performed by Nightlight Christian Adoptions where I am assuming they hear about the potential “adoption situation” aka Christy’s pregnancy

Why Did The Original Adoptive Family Give Camden Back?

On April 27th, 2014, the Pre-adoptive family was sent an email explaining that Carri had changed her mind, we had thought the biological father would also fight the adoption, that AGC had potentially made some unethical if not illegal moves. Based on those reasons and some media pressure, they returned Camden back to the agencies custody which was all that they could legally do.

What Can We Save From Veronica Rose Brown’s “Adoption” Fiasco

See, Dusten Brown did NOT voluntarily relinquish and give his consent to have his child Veronica Rose Brown Adopted. That part is not in question. The original trial found that he did not consent and based on the ICWA, a father of native child must consent. When the Supreme Court of the United States threw out the use of ICWA as unconstitutional, Dusten Browns consent was no longer required and essentially, it does not matter what he wants.