New York

NY’s Surrogacy Bills #A04319 and S02765

NY’s Child-Parent Security Act #A04319 and S02765 has been introduced to legalize compensated surrogacy in New York, and provide “protections” that ensure surrogates are entering into legal agreements and there’s no question that the intended parents of the child have full rights that they paid for.
Of course, also included in the proposed legislation are the already archaic practice of sealing the ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Ametz Adoption NYC Pre-Adoption Support Group March 20, 2014

This monthly group is for anyone exploring adoption or who has begun the adoption process. Musings of the Lame cannot confirm the quality of such meetings nor approve or disapprove the messages given. Please do your homework to ensure that any adoption is as ethical as possible. As this agency has a foster to adopt program, the listing is permitted.

My NY….five years 9/11

Driving on the LIE into the Midtown tunnel, you would knew that your were almost there when the Twin Towers graced the skyline. My children will never see that sight.