Adoptee Rights Coalition: Adoption Infographic-The United States of DENIED Adopted Citizens
Now all in one place; a simple chart and map to see where each US state stands in regard to restoring the civil rights of adopted adults.
Now all in one place; a simple chart and map to see where each US state stands in regard to restoring the civil rights of adopted adults.
ess than 1% of Birthmothers in the US desire to keep their adult children at arm’s length. So out of the 6 to 8 million adult adoptees in the United States, we can assume that there are say 6 million birthmothers and .993471% want to be left alone. That comes to 39,174 birthmothers. So because of 40 thousand mothers another 6 to 8 million people and their children and their children’s children get denied medical histories, get denied their identity, get denied their truth.. for the good of 40,000?
I think my letter to Roy Blunt pretty much says it all: Dear Mr. Blunt, I have read recently that you have been getting allot of flack for your desire for President Obama to produce his birth certificate. One of your quotes in particular has caught my attention. You are quoted as saying: “What I don’t know is why the president can’t produce a birth certificate. I don’t know anybody else…
It’s almost been a full 24 hours since I returned from the Adoptee Rights Protest in Philly. My head is still reeling, my heart is still soaring, and my blood is still racing. Oh, I love a good protest and a good protest it was! I traveled down from my home in NY to Philadelphia on Monday. We had put my little car in the shop earlier last week so…
If you haven’t heard, the South Dakota House of Representitives voted yes the other night with the vote as: YEAS 37, NAYS 32 on Senate Bill 153 to: Provide procedures by which adopted persons may obtain their original birth certificates and the contact preference of birth parents aka: OPEN the ADOPTION RECORDS! Unseal the Original Birth Certificates! Now before we get to ahead with the “whoo hoos” ( which I…
I have been eyeing that bit of real estate on my sidebar. The one where I have that poll. My side bar is too long. It’ just that my blogrools are huge. I guess I shoul dgo through them, but that always means that I must add more. Which is good, but it makes for a very long sidebar. I guess it balances out my long posts. Anyway, I have…
Donaldson Institute Releases Study on Adoptee Rights Ok so, as you all MUST know by now, the Evan B. Donaldson Report for this November, FOR THE RECORDS: RESTORING A RIGHT TO ADULT ADOPTEES, is making the waves. So adding in today.. we have A NPR show which is available to hear now.. and then the NPR Blog of the Nation. Now, many many familier names have added their 2 cents, but there…