He is in Foster Care.
That is where Adoption by Gentle Care has chosen to “place” him for now because of the high legal risk and after the original adoptive family returned him.
From what is understood , this is not state level foster care as there is no Child Protective Services involvement at all. Most adoption agencies will have their own versions of interim care families available. Some call it “Cradle Care”, but it is a temporary placement often used if a pre-adoptive family cannot travel to the baby in time, or if there are issues with the relinquishing parents.
While all foster families must be licenses by the state, legally Adoption by Gentle Care are the one’s legally responsible for Camden’s care and they should be paying from it directly rather than his care coming form Ohio state taxes. However, most adoption agencies also know how to get grants and funding from the states, so if you DO live in Ohio, you could be paying for Camden’s Care which is really silly as his mother is literally begging to be able to take care of him herself.